Root Lodge

Growth, Potential, and Opportunity.

Root Lodge is a premier company and artist management firm dedicated to maximizing growth and achieving complete and total success—unleash the potential of your business, join us today!

“…The greatest victory is that which requires no battle….”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Our Artists

The whole is much more than the sum of it’s part. Meet our team!


Founder – Dark ambient artist

The Founder of Root Lodge, broimsuperman / Dylan Ellison. Dylan created Root Lodge in 2021 with the intent of growing his newly established music career into something to be proud of. Needless to say, he’s there now.

Nawf Juju

Hip Hop/Rap Artist

Broimsuperman’s brother, Nawf Juju (Julyan Thomas), has long been passionate about music and eager to make a name for himself. One day, he teamed up with his brother Dylan to pursue music seriously, and they’ve found notable success since.


phonk artist

S0ulGlitch, an anonymous musician for Root Lodge Music Group, brings a unique sound and creative flair to the group, contributing to their success from behind the scenes.


Hip Hop/Rap Instrumental Artist

MrImp is another anonymous musician creating music for Root Lodge Music Group. Their identity is shrouded in mystery, but their contributions to the group’s sound are unmistakable. Working behind the scenes, MrImp adds a unique touch to the group’s music, playing a significant role in their creative endeavors.